Gunnar Bittersmann Web design technologist
I am a web design technologist, f/k/a frontend developer who cares more about user experience, inclusive design, accessibility, interaction design, performance, and typography than about the next shiny framework. I love HTML code with as few divs as possible. I love CSS magic over throwing JavaScript at styling. I love Bruce Springsteen songs and play one or two of them on guitar.
I give talks at conferences and meetups and write articles.
You find me on Facebook, on Twitter, on Speaker Deck, on CodePen (mostly samples).
What’s new?
I gave a talk “Custom properties sind mehr als bloß CSS-Variablen” (Custom properties are more than just CSS variables) at Webkongress Erlangen.
I took part in the Pecha Kucha night at Typostammtisch Berlin with a talk titled “FOIT, FOUT, FUCK” (slides).